The Heart Of Kyokushin Karate

I write a lot about Kata, because I do love it so much, and probably because in the last style I did, practically all attention was given to bunkai of kata. However, I was reminded of something very important this past weekend, by my teacher, Sensei Steve Fogarasi. He said, “Kyokushin karate is a full-contact…

Reishiki – Etiquette in Kyokushin Karate

Reishiki refers to the example of etiquette or ‘correct behaviours’ in the traditional martial art dojo. I was just about to write a piece on dojo etiquette, as it was a strong theme from Monday’s class at Contact Kicks dojo. Sensei Steve Fogarasi was instilling in us the importance of etiquette. Not just from a formal perspective, but from…

The First Steps of the Kyokushin Journey

This past week I celebrated one year of Kyokushin Karate training at Contact Kicks in Toronto, and what a year it has been. When I entered the dojo last year I was still married, working in a career I didn’t like, smoking, and not at my optimal health. My how things change. Stepping into that dojo…

Kyokushin Determination

Friday marked 2015 KICKS at Contact Kicks Dojo. The annual kicks to start the new year, with 40 rounds of 50 kicks plus 15 to make 2015. To be honest, I was dreading it a little, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Plus, the fun atmosphere at the…

Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

The weather has been cold here in Toronto. Last night before class it was -17°C (1.4°F), but there was still a great turn-out of committed students. Second class after Christmas break at Contact Kicks in Toronto, and I am feeling it today. The theme of the class was basic combinations and conditioning, with the reminder that…

Kyokushin and the Pursuit of Happiness

2014 has been quite a year, to say the least. Towards the end I didn’t post as much as I would have liked, but there was a lot going on, and still much to a degree. Looking back, without a doubt one of the greatest things was my desision to go back into martial arts.…

CKMA 2014 Gathering and Testing

This past weekend marked the 2014 End of the Year Gathering and Testing at Contact Kicks Dojo. There were 38 students attending from all disciplines. Kyokushin Karate, Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. The event was full of demonstrations from the students and instructors, as well being focused on awarding belts and certificates to the karate students,…

Climbing the Mountain

In the last post I wrote about the challenges of legalizing full-contact Karate in Ontario, and about our young fighters who traveled to Quebec to compete in the 2014 Budo Giant Challenge. The fighters have returned, with trophies and an amazing experience. For two of them it was their first experience and we were all very…

The Mats Don’t Lie

This past year has been a year of transition. There is no comparison to the previous year, and this one has become without a doubt, one of the best in history. Most of this has come from my exposure to Kyokushin Karate at Contact Kicks Dojo, an amazing teacher and philosopher, in my instructor Sensei…